“Discovering the creative force within is one of the most magical and empowering moments that can be seen in a Nature Sketch session. Seeing a child have that ‘A-Ha’ moment – the moment they understand their own creative potential to connect with nature using a pencil and know that this creativity will serve them for the rest of their lives, is truly one of the best sights you will ever see.”
– Robert Bateman
Robert Bateman is perceived by many to be one of the voices of reason and hope for healthy, rejuvenated and creative engagement with the natural world. Thus in honor of the Canadian Naturalist and Artists 90th birthday, the Monashee Arts Council has been distributing Bateman Foundation sketch books; a project encouraging artist of all ages to get out and connect with our surroundings.
Through his art Bateman shares with us ‘humanity’s relationship to the natural world’ and we invite artists of all ages and disciplines to share their nature themed art in our May show “Nurturing a love for
Nature” from Monday May 3 to Saturday May 29, 2021.
So we invite you to submit your nature sketches either from your sketch book or any other nature pieces you have created recently or in the past.
Submissions are limited to three (3) pieces per artist and need to be delivered to the gallery with application form by April 29th – May 1st .
Memberships may be renewed/obtained at time of delivery. MAC will need the following information for each piece of work:
Title, Medium, Size, Price (if selling), Description (how, why, when or where), Name of Artist.
(Please note that the Monashee Arts Council will receive 30% commission on any art sold during this show.)
Various Bateman art as well as other nature based learning materials will also be on display at the gallery during the show.
If you have a piece of artwork that you would like to share in the show, please come into the Monashee
Art Gallery on or before April 30, 2021 and fill out the applicable forms.
Nurturing a love for Nature Application

Pick up your pocket sketchbook from the Village gallery today!
Happy sketching everyone.