April Photography show


Due to the pandemic and the cancellation of Lumby Days for 2021, the Monashee Arts Council and the Village Gallery is hosting a photography competition and show for the month of April 2021.

At such a transitional time of year, between winter and spring, it is a magical opportunity for photographers of all levels, be it amateur and professional from Lumby, Whitevale, Lavington, and Cherryville to be out and about.  The show will consist of entrants from 3 age categories: 14 years and under, 15-24 years, and adult.

Now Lumby it’s your turn to decide ‘People’s Choice’! The Monashee Arts council invites you to come down to the Village Gallery and cast your ballot for your favorite photograph. The voting for People’s Choice will be open until the end of the month.

A special thanks to our judges Bruce Borrowman, Dale Eurich and Mikayla Appleby in undertaking the long process of deciding who the winners were.

The Monashee Arts Council and Village Gallery are open Monday through Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm at 1975 Vernon Street (Highway 6) Lumby.

Thank you to London Drugs for once again providing the awards for the photo contest.